Valerie Le Meur Interview

Valerie Le Meur Interview

Nicolas Sarazin | Apr 23, 2018 2 minutes read 0 comments

It's a great way to show off your work, get feedback from the public, and sell your work!

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The first work I sold on Artmajeur went “live”. I had received a message from the interested person via the site, I called her and as she lived in my area, I made the home delivery! She was delighted to hang her painting the same day!

I mainly use Artmajeur as a presentation portal for my works. I distribute my business cards at exhibitions and fairs and people look at my site and consult me. I thus sold several fabrics by this means.

I go to my account every day to see how the public reacts to my new works. I am delighted to have exchanges with the public or other artists in this way.

I think that social networks are a source of exchange, exchange of information, they are also a way to see the works of other painters and other artists, to see other techniques. It is inspiring and enriching.

The site is very practical to put his works online. The real difficulty is photographing them! It takes a lot of time because we are sometimes dissatisfied with the colors. You can spend several hours on a photo!

Obviously I would recommend Artmajeur, it's a great way to show your work, get feedback from the public, and sell your work!

International access is obviously very important for broadcasting but also for reaching other sensitivities.

It's an open door to trade fairs and new opportunities. And then it's such a pride to say that a painting has gone to Berlin (my first painting), to Singapore or to Forbach! They are almost our “babies” and at the same time our representatives.

An increasingly large part of the artist's work is to “show” oneself, to make oneself known, even if this means stepping out of one's “comfort zone”. Gone are the days when the artist was in his studio waiting for orders. Internet, internationalization, the speed of communication exchanges means that you have to adapt with your time and a large part of your time is to manage a website like that of Artmajeur.

Knock on wood, I haven't come across a dishonest customer yet. But I know that you have to be wary of tempting offers and don't hesitate to seek advice from your peers. Social networks are there for that.

I think that to sell on the Internet or elsewhere, you have to have a real professional attitude, present your work well, be honest, be present for your audience (answer their questions, respond to their thanks) and respect them.

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