Maria Susarenko, works that take you on a journey

Maria Susarenko, works that take you on a journey

Anne Devailly | Nov 10, 2021 1 minutes read 0 comments

Maria Susarenko, with her infinite number of meticulous lines in black ink, gives the impression of traveling through the work. When it cannot be satisfied with a contour line, it fills, enriches, precise, in a technical and meticulous work of goldsmith.

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img-3375.jpg The works of the Russian Maria Susarenko make you travel: first because she takes her subjects in all countries: the cathedral of Reims, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, etc.


But even more because each work, with its infinite quantity of meticulous lines in black ink, with its often twisted perspectives, with its numerous details, and its assertive graphics, makes you want to travel in the work, to stick your nose above to take advantage of all this profusion.


It is the same when she chooses a face or a flight of birds as her theme: the artist cannot be satisfied with an outline, she fills, enriches, precise, in a technical and meticulous work of goldsmith. If the artist readily cites Sandro Botticelli or Egon Schiele among those who inspire her, one could also invoke another woman keen on features, architecture and dreamlike perspectives, the Portuguese Helena Vieira da Silva.


Born in Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Russian Artists, Maria Susarenko graduated from the Academy of Art and Industry in St. Petersburg and took graphic design courses at St. Martin's College London. His works have already entered numerous private collections in Paris, Prague, Sydney, Philadelphia, Moscow, Rome or Bogota.

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