Irina Laube, these incessant variations of colors

Irina Laube, these incessant variations of colors

Anne Devailly | Nov 12, 2021 1 minutes read 5 comments

Artist Irina Laube, from Novosibirsk, Russian from West Siberia, produced these vast landscapes in her studio in Germany. The whole gives the impression of grandiose spaces, in canvases of modest dimensions.

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618e4ed08cc3c7.34808762_3.jpg In the foreground a lake, a river, a few meadows in the colors of autumn. And in the distance, a sky full of infinite nuances, which dominates the landscape. The whole gives the impression of grandiose spaces, of a nature which is sufficient in itself, without human or animal presence, without further constructions or paths.


From her studio in Germany, Irina Laube likes to paint these vast landscapes on canvases of relatively modest dimensions. “My work focuses on colors, structures and shapes,” explains the artist who trained for five years at the Fine Arts in Crimea.


Do not reveal too much, do not imitate, and therefore do not dictate the look ”. To create these landscapes, but also these bouquets, even these luminous impressions in the gardens, the artist is inspired by the places she has known: “I was born in Novosibirsk, the Russian capital of Western Siberia, but I grew up on the shores of the Black Sea, where I saw colorful and luminous landscapes before my eyes, which prompted me to play with shapes and colors from an early age ”.


As one admirer says on his Artmajeur page, Irina Laube's landscapes are characterized by “this abundance and these incessant variations of colors evoking the vibrations of light on the foliage”.

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