Dominic Virtosu, large format canvases

Dominic Virtosu, large format canvases

Jean Dubreil | Nov 4, 2021 1 minutes read 0 comments

The canvases are large format, bright colors and the themes worked in series. Apart from these characteristics, the work of Dominic Virtosu is difficult to describe. We see in his series devoted to cacti like a desire to exhaust the subject with all the resources offered by oil painting.

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virtosu.jpg The canvases are large format, bright colors and the themes worked in series. Apart from these characteristics, the work of Dominic Virtosu is difficult to describe: each canvas, each intention inspires the artist with a specific style, and this even within a series: we see in his series devoted to cacti like a desire to exhaust the subject with all the resources offered by oil painting.


This work comes from a reflection that the artist has been carrying out since 2013, around the tensions between image representation and “pure painting” and which leads to each work generating its own technical solutions. “Working as an artist requires real discipline,” explains the artist. You have to motivate yourself to always keep the same requirements. It is to achieve this that I multiply the paths of access to creation: either I work according to my imagination; or I start from a few sketches. The idea is to arrive at the workshop ready to welcome inspiration when it arrives ”.


Born in Romania in 1983, Dominic Virtosu trained in Romania, Germany and France, but had for ten years to earn a living in other sectors without ever giving up painting. Today he continues his artistic work while teaching painting at the School of Fine Arts in Tourcoing.


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