Bojan Jevtic, processing digital photography

Bojan Jevtic, processing digital photography

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Aug 27, 2022 5 minutes read 0 comments

The artistic technique Bojan Jevtic focused on is the processing of digital photography in order to give an artistic impression that is impossible to achieve with a camera...

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What made you approach art and become an artist? (events, feelings, experiences...)

I don't know exactly when the artist "woke up" in me. Probably from the earliest days of my life, I showed inclinations towards more creative expression of my personality. Later, that creativity developed and was directed in the areas of life in which I wanted to say more and express myself more creatively, artistically. Art is an integral part of our lives and all people tend to express themselves creatively in a variety of ways. For some it becomes a profession, for some it is not, but creativity is still present in them.

What is your artistic journey, techniques and subjects you have experimented with to date?

The artistic technique I focused on is processing digital photography and giving an artistic stamp that is impossible to do with a camera. I prefer to do such artwork based on photography in Adobe Photoshop. I realized that it provides great opportunities in creating a work of art, if you are inspired of course. When I do a work of art, I print it on a canvas and as such it can exist for more than 200 years.

The theme that is most present in my artwork are themes from life mostly personified in the picture of a woman. Basically, I try to send a deeper message in my artwork than just portrait of the person.

What are 3 aspects that differentiate you from other artists, making your work unique?

The first aspect is the message I send through my artwork, the second aspect is the message and the third aspect is the message, of course. The messages I try to send are multi-layered and everyone can see the one he has chosen to be intended for him. Someone sees all messages, even those that are derived and created as a product of previous messages that are visible. Someone sees the messages he created himself, in the way he was inspired by the work of art. Anyway, I like it when the observer sees some meaning in my artwork.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Life and everything before and after it are the greatest inspiration for all of us.

What is the intent of your art? What visions, sensations or feelings do you want to evoke in the viewer?

I want him to have a vision of vision. 

What is the process of creation of your works? Spontaneous or with a long preparatory process (technique, inspiration from art classics or other)?

My works are created spontaneously. Sometimes I get some inspiration that is not clearly defined and I start creating my artwork. The feeling that I got through that inspiration creates that work of art by itself. Sometimes the process of creating a work of art is very long and sometimes, on the contrary, short. You never know which way my inspiration will take me.

What techniques do you prefer?  If yes, can you explain it?

I prefer fine art photography. I think that the possibility of creative expression in this direction is huge and somehow, I see myself in it, for now.

Are there any innovative aspects to your work? Can you tell us which ones?

Each of my artworks has its own freedom and its own spirit, so each is innovative and independent of my previous artwork.

Do you have a format or medium that you are most comfortable with?  If yes, Why?

The medium is just a way of expression, and I feel most comfortable with the processing of artistic photographs.

Where do you produce your work? At home, in a shared or private studio? And within this space how is your production organized?

I produce my artwork at my house, on my personal computer. I feel most free and comfortable there. Later, I print these works of art in professional printing houses that work with the highest quality plotters.

Does your work lead you to travel to meet new collectors, for shows or exhibitions? If so, what do you gain from it?

I travel to exhibitions and shows but most of my artwork has been sold through major art sites such as Artmajeur and other respective art sites. Many of my artworks have been sold around the world.

How do you imagine the evolution of your work and your figure as an artist in the future?

I don't think about it, I'm just looking forward to creating new works of art.

 I'm just kidding, I'll probably will be a great artist 😊 

What is the topic, style, or technique of your latest artistic production?

The freedom of the human spirit, love, the grace of life, inner peace, inner restlessness in its broadest sense are eternal themes. I often personify them through a human format. Most often through the character of a girl, a woman.

Can you tell us about your most important exhibition experience?

I like the idea of an eternal exhibition of works of art on the streets of Sicily, in the small town of Meri “Timeless Immortal Art". My artwork has been set up in the squares of the streets.

If you could have created a famous work in the history of art, which one would you choose? And why would you choose it?

Gioconda or Monna Lisa, on my own, of course. I don't know why this work of art subconsciously inspires me with the countless messages it sends.

If you could invite a famous artist (dead or living) to dinner, who would it be? How would you propose him/her to spend the evening?

Leonardo da Vinci. We probably talk about life through the centuries, past and the future

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