Things become really strange and crazy with this artist

Things become really strange and crazy with this artist

Jean Dubreil | Jan 4, 2023 3 minutes read 1 comment

The unusual has always fascinated Ingo Lindmeier, and his compositions often begin with this theme. With the help of Photoshop, his playful spirit may escape his thoughts and enter the vibrant world of graphics.

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Nearly all of the works of Ingo Lindmeier start with his love of the strange. Often accompanied by playing with words, the sense of play gets out of his head and into the colorful world of images through Photoshop. Different voices find a place in his works, which are sometimes very funny and sometimes very scary. As much as music, nature, and art do so do fairy tales and myths. Since he can remember, he has always been creative, so he can't say for sure when his journey as an artist began. He draws a lot and has also been making music for a long time. He has been focusing on his career as a digital artist for about 5 years now, in addition to his work as a freelance graphic designer.

He has always found it interesting to take a different look at the things around us or to give them strange shapes. In doing this, he often looks for ways to combine things that don't seem to go together in order to make beings and things that don't yet exist. His stories and their books came to life in this way. Some pictures take him 30 minutes to make, while others take him several days. So, he can't say for sure how long it takes to make one piece of art from start to finish. Sometimes he has to leave work for a few days to get a new perspective and finish the picture. If he can't get any further on his own, he gives unfinished work to friends to get feedback. All of these steps can take many days to build up.

Getting good pictures is often a very difficult task. Putting together different qualities, sources, and points of view can be a fun and time-consuming process. He likes making something new out of all of these parts and giving life to this work the most. And when he finally looks at the new painting and sees that it has energy and a "soul," he is happy. One of the most beautiful things he can do is let his own creativity run wild and keep finding new things about himself. Through his work, he also met a lot of wonderful and inspiring people, which he is very thankful for. He wants to encourage and inspire people to go on a journey to find out more about themselves and to experiment with their own ideas and handwriting. Seeing and thinking about things that are out of the ordinary is a great way to add color and energy to your day.

In December 2022, he put out his new book, "The Alphanimals," which is a German and English alphabet full of colorful animals. The task was to find animals whose names in both languages start with the same letter. He was able to do a workshop with a second-grade class at a primary school. It was an amazing experience that he will never forget.

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