The importance of choosing your Artist Name carefully

The importance of choosing your Artist Name carefully

Jean Dubreil | Oct 17, 2023 3 minutes read 17 comments

The artist name is an essential professional identity for artists. It is appropriate to choose a unique and simple artist name to facilitate recognition, memorability, research and identification of works by the public.

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© Sophie Dumont, workshop 17 (2023)

On Artmajeur, you have the possibility of putting a pseudonym to represent your artistic identity. This field is there to allow you to choose how you want to be known and recognized in the online art world. If you already have an established artist name, you have the option to fill it in the "pseudonym" field. However, if you are presenting your work under your own name, you should definitely leave this open so as not to confuse your audience.

Very important: Write your name the way people search for it

We often notice profiles with the name misspelled, incomplete, or written with a diminutive: this is not good for SEO! Always make sure your first/last name is filled in correctly on your profile, so that your SEO is optimized for these search terms!

Always prefer to communicate your real identity

For maximum impact, always communicate your legal identity, and do not use a pseudonym or nickname, this will be much more effective in promoting your work:

  1. Identification and Consistency : Your artist name is your professional identity in the art world. It's important to keep it consistent and recognizable so that art lovers, collectors and galleries can easily find and follow you. By using a nickname or pseudonym, you risk complicating this identification.

  2. Professionalism : A full name often gives a more professional impression than its diminutive name. This can be important if you're looking to establish a strong reputation as an artist. A full name can also inspire more confidence in potential buyers.

  3. SEO/Online Search : People often use full names when searching online. If you use a pseudonym, you may go unnoticed in search results, which could reduce your visibility online.

  4. Personal Brand : Your artist name is also an important part of your personal brand. It represents your style, your history and your artistic identity. Using a pseudonym could dilute that brand and make your work less recognizable.

  5. Avoid confusion : Using diminutives or shortened names can cause confusion if other artists already have similar names. By using your full name, you avoid potential conflicts related to copyright and similar names. And above all, you ensure that your profile and your work are perfectly identified.

Keeping your full artist name is always best to maintain a consistent professional identity, better online visibility, and a strong personal brand. If you want to use a pseudonym, it's a good idea to choose a distinct name that represents your artistic work well while remaining easily identifiable.

When to use a pseudonym?

This will generally be more difficult to promote than your real name but does include some benefits such as maintaining your anonymity, or the ability to develop a distinct artistic brand, unrelated to your other work. Always choose a unique artist name otherwise it makes it impossible to rank in search engines and it will be completely impossible to find your work...

To change/delete your name and nickname:


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