Creative Summer: 10 ideas to fuel your Artistic Passion All Summer

Creative Summer: 10 ideas to fuel your Artistic Passion All Summer

Jean Dubreil | Aug 12, 2023 2 minutes read 9 comments

A Seasonal Digest for Inspired Artists: guidance, tips, and inspiration to keep creativity flourishing through the summer months, with insights on outdoor art creation, local exhibitions, creative wellness, and unique opportunities tailored for artists.

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Explore a season filled with creativity and artistic potential! 

Summer presents a unique opportunity to harness nature's vibrant palette, connect with fellow creators, and breathe new life into your artistic practice. We've gathered an inspiring collection of tips, opportunities, and insights to fuel your art all summer long. From plein air painting techniques to the season's must-visit exhibitions, there are plenty opportunities of keeping the creative spark alive. So grab your sketchbook, set up your easel, and let's dive into a summer of endless artistic inspiration! 🎨☀️

1. Embrace Outdoor Creativity

Summer is the perfect time to venture outside with your sketchbook, canvas, or camera. The world becomes your studio, and nature provides endless inspiration. Whether it's plein air painting or sculpting with natural materials, let the outdoors awaken your senses.

2. Join Summer Exhibitions and Festivals

Summer brings an array of exhibitions, festivals, and art fairs. Submit your works to be part of these lively platforms. Even attending as a visitor can spark new ideas and connect you with like-minded artists.

3. Experiment with Sustainable Art Practices

The beauty of nature during summer can inspire a deeper connection to our planet. Explore environmentally friendly materials, methods, and engage in community projects that align with sustainability.

4. Explore Artist Residencies and Retreats

Seek out summer residencies, workshops, or retreats that resonate with your artistic vision. These spaces can be a sanctuary for focused work, collaboration, and networking.

5. Prioritize Creative Wellness

Balance is key. The summer is not only about productivity but also rejuvenation. Integrate relaxation, self-care, and mindful practices into your daily routine to sustain creativity.

6. Collaborate and Network

Summer’s relaxed vibe often opens doors for collaborations and new connections. Engage in local meet-ups, online forums, or collaborative projects to extend your artistic network.

7. Travel with an Artistic Eye

If you're planning a vacation, let it be an artistic adventure. Visit galleries, museums, or historical art sites, and don't forget to take your sketchbook along!

8. Participate to Challenges and Competitions

Cultural organisations frequently host and promote creative challenges and competitions, tailored for the summer themes. Look for prizes or competitions to apply to, accept the challenge and expose your work to a broader audience!

By focusing on subjects that resonate with the season and your specific interests, you can create or develop valuable skills, renew your inspiration, and uncover new opportunities. Let this summer be a canvas for your creativity, where every day brings a new opportunity to sketch, paint, sculpt, and innovate—happy creating!

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