Contemporary designers and illustrators (Professionals)

2185 Designers, illustrators and artists working on drawing, meet the best contemporary artists from around the world.[...]

2185 Designers, illustrators and artists working on drawing, meet the best contemporary artists from around the world. Selection: Drawing | Professionals

Discover and buy art from amazing contemporary artists on Artmajeur

Immersing oneself in the quest to uncover incredible contemporary artists and acquiring their masterpieces is nothing short of a captivating ballet of intellect, aesthetics, and soulful exploration. It is a voyage into the heart of human creativity that ignites the spirit, whispering secrets of the ever-evolving narrative of our times, embodied in brush strokes, digital pixels, or even the ephemeral theater of performance art.

Your initiation into this vibrant sphere can find roots in the boundless digital vineyard where artists, like rare vines, flourish. Online Art Galleries such as Artmajeur have shattered the age-old confines of the art world, broadcasting the unfiltered voices of emerging and established artists to every corner of the globe. As if entering a secret garden, these virtual spaces offer a smorgasbord of artistic expressions in their most authentic form. Artist websites, like intimate journals, unravel their artistic psyche, laying bare their processes, influences, and the profound narratives driving their creations.

The tangible energy of art fairs and museum exhibitions also provide a thrilling stage to uncover the luminaries of contemporary art. Imagine yourself amidst the flurry of Art Basel or the Venice Biennale, spellbound by a breathtaking array of artistry that spans nations and shatters boundaries. The air buzzes with stimulating conversations, each encounter with artists or their emissaries akin to uncovering a layer of a profound mystery, a step closer to deciphering the soul of their work.

The act of buying contemporary art is akin to falling in love. It demands passion and a keen understanding, a bond between you and the artist. Diving deep into the artist’s story and the crux of their work is crucial, safeguarding authenticity and truly appreciating the essence of your chosen piece. Experts like art consultants or gallery curators can be the sage guides in this journey, illuminating the path to your perfect art acquisition.

Investing in contemporary art isn’t merely an addition to a collection. It’s akin to holding a fragment of the artist’s vision, their burning ideas, and potent expressions. It’s a testament to your patronage, a spark that fuels the creative inferno and pushes the boundaries of the contemporary art scene. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a novice stepping into this vibrant world, the thrill of owning a contemporary artwork is a lasting affair that perpetually intrigues, inspires, and opens doors to endless discourse.

Drawing,  11.7x8.3 in
L'averse Drawing, 11.7x8.3 in
©2019 Almakan

What is a contemporary artist?

A contemporary artist is an individual actively creating art within the context of modern times, typically considered to be the post-World War II era to the present day. Their work reflects, critiques, or responds to the culture, society, politics, and other elements of the current age. The ’contemporary’ in contemporary art is essentially a loose term, broadly encompassing all the art being made around the world today.

Unlike artists from specific art movements such as Impressionism, Surrealism, or Abstract Expressionism, contemporary artists aren’t confined to a specific style, medium, or subject matter. Their art practices might include traditional approaches such as painting, sculpture, or drawing, but also extend to newer forms like video art, performance art, conceptual art, digital art, and even virtual reality or AI-assisted creations. 

These artists often challenge existing norms and conventions of art-making and seek to question, disrupt, or redefine our understandings of society, identity, technology, the environment, and more. Their work frequently overlaps with social activism and political commentary, serving as a mirror to contemporary issues such as climate change, inequality, or technological advancement.

Contemporary artists can be self-taught, academically trained, or may come from different backgrounds altogether, each bringing their unique perspective to their work. They typically exhibit their work in a variety of settings, including galleries, museums, art fairs, and public spaces, and even online platforms, which have become increasingly significant in the digital age.

As the art world continues to evolve and diversify, the term ’contemporary artist’ will likely continue to broaden in its scope. It will remain a dynamic, fluid category, reflecting the ever-changing realities of our world, and the artists’ varied and innovative responses to it.

Drawing,  21.7x18.1 in
La naissance de Balios Drawing, 21.7x18.1 in
©2022 Didier Merceret

How to invest in contemporary art today?

Artmajeur has revolutionized the way we experience and invest in contemporary art, emerging as a thriving hub that connects artists and art lovers worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned art investor or dipping your toes into the exhilarating waters of the art world for the first time, investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur can be a rewarding and exciting journey. 

Our platform features a diverse plethora of artists and art styles, providing an expansive vista to explore, discover, and appreciate artworks that resonate with your aesthetic and intellectual sensibilities. The digital nature of our online gallery tears down geographical barriers, offering you a global palette of contemporary artists at your fingertips. Artmajeur encourages an enriching art experience that transcends borders, an immersive odyssey into the fascinating and continually evolving realm of contemporary art.

Investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur is not just about financial gain; it’s about contributing to the vitality of the global art ecosystem, nurturing creativity, and fostering cultural dialogue. By investing, you become a patron of the arts, directly supporting artists and their creative pursuits. It’s a gratifying process, knowing that your investment makes a significant impact on artists’ lives, helping them continue to create and share their unique vision with the world.

Before making an investment, it’s vital to research the artists and their work meticulously. Read about their backgrounds, influences, and artistic philosophy, understand the themes they explore, and evaluate their creative growth over time. You can also reach out to artists directly through Artmajeur, engage in meaningful dialogues about their work, and establish relationships. This knowledge will provide you with deeper insights into the artwork and help inform your investment decisions.

Finally, remember that investing in art should also be about personal pleasure and enrichment. Choose artworks that move you, provoke thought, inspire, or simply bring joy. The true value of art lies in its ability to communicate, evoke emotions, and enrich our lives. When you invest in a contemporary artist on Artmajeur, you are not just purchasing a piece of art; you are owning a fragment of the artist’s soul, vision, and commentary on our contemporary world!

Painting,  36x40 in
La débâcle Painting, 36x40 in
©2021 Guy Blackburn
Drawing titled "Au clair de ma lune" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Dés en doeil" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Petit dé-jeuner" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Bouillon de poule e…" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Panique en cuisine" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "À fleur de mouche" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Lapoeuf de la Pascua" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Il pleut, il pleut…" by Almakan, Original Artwork, Pastel
Didier Merceret
Drawing titled "La naissance de Bal…" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Eros et Psyché" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Glass Drawing titled "Spelunca allegoria" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Tiphereth" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Glass Drawing titled "Pantheonica" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Graphite Mounted on Glass Drawing titled "Le temple des mots" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Le trophée" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Le fil d' Ariane" by Didier Merceret, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Other rigid panel
Emilie Chaplain
Drawing titled "Femme à la fougère" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "L'envolée" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Femme aux grandes m…" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Femme aux milleprtu…" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "La Matriarche" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Mielikki" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Alice" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "En attendant Ulysse" by Emilie Chaplain, Original Artwork, Ink
Hiten Mistry
United Kingdom
Drawing titled "Hanuman dada" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Orange Mirabai" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Zambian village sce…" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Zambian craft villa…" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Still life vegetabl…" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "elephant drawing" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "african woman nude…" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "daily life in the v…" by Hiten Mistry, Original Artwork, Pencil
Toneroartwork Anthony Edem
Drawing titled "Never dispise a hum…" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Aku" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Hope in Depression" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Fearless" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "The state of the Mi…" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Focus" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Né Jamaise Abandonn…" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Fear of the Unknown" by Toneroartwork Anthony Edem, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Guy Blackburn
Drawing titled "Vue du ciel ( Les m…" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Vue du ciel ( Les m…" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Vue du ciel ( Les m…" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mon chien noir 1" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mon chien noir 2" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mon chien noir 3" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mon chien noir 4" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mon chien noir 5" by Guy Blackburn, Original Artwork, Graphite
Edith Donc
Drawing titled "Allons près du feu" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "La Mytho Logique" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "45ème Antichissima…" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Festival "Bella Via…" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "7 ème Festival Inte…" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "6ème festival Inter…" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Nuits blanches 2" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Scylla et Charybde" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Pastel
Anton Terziev
Drawing titled "I Will Never Become…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Although if You Ask…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Although if You Ask…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "The Life That You P…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "The Fire Ain't Burn…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "I'll Be My Own Monu…" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "My favorite stranger" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Column (IV-IV)" by Anton Terziev, Original Artwork, Ink
Giorgos Tsakiris
Drawing titled "Untitled.16" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.15" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.14" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.13" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.12" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.11" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.10" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Untitled.9" by Giorgos Tsakiris, Original Artwork, Ink
Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski)
Drawing titled "Guerre des médias" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Médicament miracle" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Pierre et Paul" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Toutes les dettes" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Remettons les dettes" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Christ 202113" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Christ rieur" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Incapables" by Pierre Andrillon (Jasinski), Original Artwork, Ink
Maman Aigle
Drawing titled "L'Ours Polaire et l…" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Le Gorille - Animal…" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Cerf ombre et lumiè…" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Bison" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Totem Rhinocéros" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Renard d'ombre et d…" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Raton-Laveur" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Eagle" by Maman Aigle, Original Artwork, Marker
Drawing titled "Ecce homo VII - Cas…" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Ecce Homo VI - Trans" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Ecce Homo V - Fils." by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Ecce Homo IV - Love" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Ecce Homo III - san…" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Ecce Homo II - Vict…" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Ecce Homo I - Trist…" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Fuck" by Justafact.Osh, Original Artwork, Pencil
Nathalie Setea
Drawing titled "Promenade tattoo" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Le bout du monde" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Trois baleines" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Danse dans la ville" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Bulles de corail" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Mana iti" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Méduse tropicale" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Regard" by Nathalie Setea, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Jacques Meou
Drawing titled "Artaban" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Io" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Face face" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Fox" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Alterophile" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "olé" by Jacques Meou, Original Artwork, Pastel
Claudette Allosio
Drawing titled "C98n" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "C97" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "C104" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "C99" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "C103" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "C97n Patchwork4" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "Corne d'abondance C…" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "C75 Patchwork2" by Claudette Allosio, Original Artwork, Marker
Thierry Mordant
Drawing titled "La créature Extraor…" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled ""LAM A NNIVERSAIRE"" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""NOUGARO JAZZ TOULO…" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""CHAPLIN EN LUMIERE…" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""le PLAT PAYS de Ja…" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""HOMMAGE à COLUCHE"" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""HOMMAGE au GRAND S…" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled ""ROUAGES MAGIQUES"" by Thierry Mordant, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Carlo Cazals
Drawing titled "Ohne Titel" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Pigments
Drawing titled "Leben auf dem Mars" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Vorsicht Spießer" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Drawing titled "St. Pauli Milieu 2" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "St. Pauli Milieu 1" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Eindruck der Umwelt" by Carlo Cazals, Original Artwork, Conté
Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff
Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Etude pour "Hermès…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Chalk Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Etude pour "Tout co…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Etude pour les "Atl…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Ink
Alexandra Djokic
Drawing titled "At the beach / 65 x…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Girl with lipstick…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Girl with sunglasse…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Girl with sunglasse…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Woman with hat / 42…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Girl with umbrella…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Young and beautiful…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Little ballerina /…" by Alexandra Djokic, Original Artwork, Ink
Mark Kucherov
Drawing titled "Elena Scissorhands" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "Avril Lavigne" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Kurt Cobain" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Chester Bennington" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "Tribal aesthetic" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "Dark hysteroid Quee…" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "Spring 2020" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "Portrait with lilies" by Mark Kucherov, Original Artwork, Conté
Marcelle Delacité
Drawing titled "old great fire for…" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Le bouquet" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Graphite Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Marsians prokrastin…" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Loveforeverlove" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Who are you mr MP" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "angry hungry hearts…" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Abstraction tremblée" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "HandMade 020923" by Marcelle Delacité, Original Artwork, Marker
Nikita Fedorov
Drawing titled "Salvation" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Katyusha" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Grief" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "The Holocaust. Arri…" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "The Holocaust. Trai…" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "The Holocaust. Coll…" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "The Holocaust." by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "The Holocaust. Hope…" by Nikita Fedorov, Original Artwork, Graphite
Anne Van Der Haegen
Drawing titled "Le Saddhu" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Plage du Dramont" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Le Dramont" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Le saddhu" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Joie de vivre" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Bebe africain" by Anne Van Der Haegen, Original Artwork, Pastel
Samuel Della Schiava
Drawing titled "Orange blues" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Division" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Gris corbeau / Rave…" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Trystan et Iseut /…" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Venus 3" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "La tour / The tower" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Paradis / Paradise" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Venus 2" by Samuel Della Schiava, Original Artwork, Ink
Drawing titled "179" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "178" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "177" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "160" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "157" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "156" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "154" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "152" by Anaïsberg, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Maryam Shams
Drawing titled "Horizon_26" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_27" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Pigments Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_25" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_6" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizons _10" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizons _8" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizon_7" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Collages Drawing titled "Horizon diptyque n°1" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Collages
Elena Osuna
Drawing titled "Clean Hands" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Not Enough" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Get Comfortable" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker
Drawing titled "More" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "The Traveler" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Even More" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "The Change" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "A Calculated Action" by Elena Osuna, Original Artwork, Marker
Gastón Chocrón
Drawing titled "El último testigo d…" by Gastón Chocrón, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Tay Aguilar
Drawing titled "Aurora" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Adriana" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Lia" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Lucía" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Ángela" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Julio" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Úrsula" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Leticia" by Tay Aguilar, Original Artwork, Pencil
Odile Viale
Drawing titled "VIVARIUM #Dune" by Odile Viale, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "VIVARIUM #Ayana" by Odile Viale, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "VIVARIUM #Julia" by Odile Viale, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "VIVARIUM #Mila" by Odile Viale, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "VIVARIUM #Jeanne" by Odile Viale, Original Artwork, Pencil
Helena Faneca
Drawing titled "Humeurs épinglées 2" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Light Landscape" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Black Landscape" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Paysage en bandes h…" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Grande tête sous Co…" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Provence en vintage" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Captain of End" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork Drawing titled "Bolivia" by Helena Faneca, Original Artwork
Michel Bona
Drawing titled "47" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "46" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "45" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "44" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "43" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "42" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "41" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "40" by Michel Bona, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Panel
Settimia Taroux
Drawing titled "Inconnue 4 (Portrai…" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Inconnue 1 (Portrai…" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Grand-mère bis" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Grand-père bis" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Grand-père" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Héléna" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Inconnue 2 (Album d…" by Settimia Taroux, Original Artwork, Marker
Audrey Rouvin
Drawing titled "Manoir de Waddesdon" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Cité sous Marine" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Frozen" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Le Vénérable" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Il était une Fois" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Tempête" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Collonges La Rouge" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Amarrage" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink
Olga Petrova
Drawing titled "Cuban rooftops" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Fruit seller in Hav…" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Before it rained in…" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Out in the field" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nautilus: the cousin" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nautilus: the stair…" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nautilus: the animal" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nautilus: the fossil" by Olga Petrova, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "Green capture" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Intuition 05" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Intuition 04" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Intuition 03" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Intuition 02" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Intuition 01" by Lumagayo, Original Artwork, Ink
Anne Laure Klein
Drawing titled "Évolution harmonieu…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "La nouvelle médecine" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Tout est possible" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Creuset de la créat…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Expérimentation de…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Agir et voir loin a…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Sauvegarde de l’hum…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Pratique de gestion…" by Anne Laure Klein, Original Artwork, Pastel
Sandrine Lefebvre
Drawing titled "Guitare Classique,…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Deux Arbres Bouleaux" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Fleur de Lys champê…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Abstrait Feuilles q…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Abstrait Tissage Co…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Gouache Drawing titled "Arbre Abstrait Bleu" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bouquet Fleur Abstr…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Gouache Drawing titled "Portrait Femme  Pro…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil
Thierry Villers
Drawing titled "Lady in the light" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "The Workerman" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Man of Steel" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Christopher Reeve" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bruce Springsteen" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Audrey Hepburn" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Brel" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Audrey Hepburn indi…" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil
Diane Tham Vo
Drawing titled "En vert" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Stylo bleu numéro 3" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Stylo bleu numéro 2" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Encre numéro 2" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Encre numéro 1" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Stylo numéro 2" by Diane Tham Vo, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Drawing titled "Serge Gainsbourg" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Patti Smith" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Harry Gaabor" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Frida Khalo" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "David Bowie" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Freddie Mercury" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Mick Jagger" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Lady Gaga" by Soledad, Original Artwork, Graphite
Anne Malvy
Drawing titled "Lou" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Portrait d'un Acadé…" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Le photographe dans…" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Le chef de clan" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Bacus dans tous ses…" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Portait d'un écriva…" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Jeune sportif au re…" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Impérator!" by Anne Malvy, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Anne Marie Torrisi
Drawing titled "L’AVOCATE 2" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "LE PILIER" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "TENDRESSE" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "LA FEMME DU POTIER…" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "L’ÉTOILE" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "LE TAUREAU pastel" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "L’ARBRE MAGIQUE des…" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "L’AVOCATE" by Anne Marie Torrisi, Original Artwork, Pastel
Frédéric Martin
Drawing titled "f-martin-etude-golg…" by Frédéric Martin, Original Artwork Drawing titled "f-martin-etude-golg…" by Frédéric Martin, Original Artwork Drawing titled "f-martin-dernier-so…" by Frédéric Martin, Original Artwork Drawing titled "f-martin-etude-lobo…" by Frédéric Martin, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "f-martin-la-dame-a-…" by Frédéric Martin, Original Artwork, Graphite
Tatjana M. Pankau
Drawing titled "Wald 2" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Wald" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Languste per Luftpo…" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Rose per Luftpost" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Rabe und Luftpost" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Lot mit drei Kugeln" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Luftpost vor Stuhl" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Taube mit Akanthus" by Tatjana M. Pankau, Original Artwork, Ink
Constant Fenec
Drawing titled "croquis 13" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 12" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 11" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 10" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Oil
Drawing titled "croquis 9" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 8" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Oil
Drawing titled "croquis 7" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 6" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Daria Doubovik
Drawing titled "tender" by Daria Doubovik, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "it is all connected" by Daria Doubovik, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "I should fix the cr…" by Daria Doubovik, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "diving" by Daria Doubovik, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A place where we'll…" by Daria Doubovik, Original Artwork, Ink
Marion Roy
Drawing titled "Ma vision de l'entr…" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Retour de pêche" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Des enfants" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Nue" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Cheveux au vent" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Pieds dans la mer f…" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Beautiful woman" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Pencil
Drawing titled "Cicatrices" by Marion Roy, Original Artwork, Graphite
Anastasia Cherezova
Drawing titled "The Dragonfly" by Anastasia Cherezova, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A strange creature…" by Anastasia Cherezova, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A strange creature…" by Anastasia Cherezova, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A strange creature…" by Anastasia Cherezova, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A strange creature…" by Anastasia Cherezova, Original Artwork, Ink
Clarisse Lamotte
Drawing titled "Rossignol à flancs…" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Tourterelle" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Vous serez appelés" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Iris 2" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "sérénité variation V" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "25 décembre 2014" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Nébuleuse IV" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "2 mars 2015" by Clarisse Lamotte, Original Artwork, Pencil


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