Verkauf von Kunst durch Leasing

Innovative Kunstleasinglösungen für Galerien und Kunsthändler

Welcome to Artmajeur Leasing, a specialized financing service for art galleries and dealers. We offer leasing financing with the option to purchase, making it easier to sell works of art.

Leasing purchases are fully deductible as expenses, this is a financing method particularly suitable for businesses and liberal professions which can thus access works by recognized artists without monopolizing capital, while benefiting from tax reductions.

Why choose Artmajeur Leasing?

  • Available regardless of where the art is sold:
    on the internet, in a gallery, on an art show or fair

  • Financial efficiency
    Financing rates among the lowest on the market

  • Quick response
    Artmajeur leasing is your single point of contact, we provide a principled response within the day

  • Independence and co-branding
    Our partners have a co-branding financing simulation module available for their clients, accessible from their own website. The leasing offer is available on all works, whether they are sold on Artmajeur, on the gallery’s website, or in your physical gallery

  • Suitable for galleries and art dealers
    Artmajeur has +20 years of online sales experience and works with +1000 galleries around the world, we understand very well the needs of galleries and art dealers

Informationsanfrage zum Thema Leasing

Kontaktieren Sie uns, ein finanzierungsexperte wird sich innerhalb von 24 stunden bei ihnen melden:


Simulate a purchase as one of your customers would do, so you can directly indicate the possible monthly payments depending on the duration. We provide our partners with their own co-branded leasing simulator, accessible from their website.

Wählen Sie Ihre monatlichen Zahlungen:

Monatliche Zahlungen
Monatliche Zahlungen
Monatliche Zahlungen
Monatliche Zahlungen
* Dies ist nur eine indikative Simulation. Nach Prüfung Ihrer Belege und Validierung Ihrer Unterlagen durch unseren Finanzpartner wird Ihnen ein Vertragsangebot zugesandt.

Die ideale Lösung für Kunstgalerien

Artmajeur, ein globales netzwerk von +1,000 partnergalerien.

Unsere Leistungen für Galerien


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